our School
Every morning, a child's day is a clean slate.
At Camden Academy, our mission is to fill that day with experiences that promote growth, learning and well-being.
A child's developmental tasks are to build trust, recognize and learn social skills, and begin the mastery of academic skills… and by doing all that, develop positive self-esteem. To accomplish these and other goals, we engage every child in a variety of activities every day. Within the walls of our building are several learning centers for infants through after-schoolers that provide the environment to stimulate, educate and motivate. In a warm, caring atmosphere filled with warm, caring staff, your child will thrive and grow, learn and laugh, socialize all day long and come home a happy kid.

At Camden Academy, we focus all our efforts on "The Total Child,"
exposing our children to the many facets of life through age-appropriate programs that move them around throughout the day. In this way they experience different teachers, varied social situations and numerous learning opportunities in a single day.
We can't wait to meet you!
Our Facilities
Camden Academy is a 15,000 square foot building filled with something different around every corner. We're proud of our school, and we know your child will agree that his or her home-away-from-home is a special place.
Once inside, you'll find an open, high-ceilinged building that is brightly-lit, warm, and inviting. It's a place where children enjoy spending time, with an Extracurricular Room in which children learn Art, Music, Creative Movement, and World Travels.

Safety & Security Features

Our facility is modern, safe, and secure with surrounding fencing, locking "buzz you in" doors, fingerprint technology and more. We're diligent on maintenance and cleanliness, and always ensure everything is up to code and in top condition.

Tasty, Nutritious Meals

When it's time to eat, Camden kids enjoy family style dining in our spacious cafeteria. They learn how to interact with other diners their age. From our complete, commercial kitchen come hot, tasty and nutritious meals and snacks every day.

Our Teachers & Teaching Methods
At Camden Academy, our qualified staff is selected based on their agreement and dedication to Camden's philosophy to address each child's needs on a daily basis. Our teachers are trained in the Camden Curriculum, utilizing a variety of learning styles and activities that improves social, physical, and emotional skills, as well as stimulating critical thinking at every age. When you add to their experience and training a love of children, Camden’s teachers create a warm, safe learning environment for your child to grow in every way.

Whole Brain Teaching
... children retain more information when they have an opportunity to put it into their own words and use gestures ...
"Whole Brain Teaching, a research-based system that utilizes all areas of the brain, keeps children engaged throughout their lessons, and helps them retain much more information than the standard lecture/discussion model. Whole Brain Teaching is a highly interactive form of instruction that delivers information to students in short “chunks." Kids then teach what they have just learned to their partners, using hand-gestures to help remember specific vocabulary. While students teach each other, the teacher walks around the room to discover who understands the lesson and who needs more instruction. Research shows that children retain more information when they have an opportunity to put it into their own words and use gestures to emphasize key instructional units…plus, it’s amazingly fun!"

Handwriting Without Tears
...children learn more effectively by actively doing, with materials that address all styles of learning
"The Handwriting Without Tears ® curriculum draws from years of innovation and research to provide developmentally appropriate, multi-sensory tools and strategies for your classroom. The program follows research that demonstrates children learn more effectively by actively doing, with materials that address all styles of learning. We teach effectively with joy. We have figured out easier, happier ways for children to master handwriting. Handwriting Without Tears is dedicated to developing excellent materials for children and training for teachers. As a result, millions of students have successfully used our program. The result truly is handwriting without tears!"

big kid basics
Potty Training Boot Camp
Camden's "Potty Training Boot Camp" did in one week what I couldn’t do in three months. John-Hartley (3 yrs) loves school now, and is actually sleeping much better at night after his full day. I can't say enough about how tuned-in to my child and his needs the staff at Camden is."
-- Jody, Camden Parent
Through consistent praise and encouragement, your child's enthusiasm for learning blossoms at Camden Academy.
Our Technology
Camden Computers

The Camden Computer Room has three computers for use by older kids and after-schoolers to learn and improve their computer skills and do homework. Students can access age-appropriate internet activities under the strict supervision of teachers.
Interactive SmartBoard

Always ready to implement new digital technology, Camden Academy has an interactive SmartBoard and age-appropriate software programs, ensuring your child will have access to cutting-edge learning.
Tadpoles Reporting

With our Tadpoles program, your child's daily reports, as well as photos, videos, notes and reminders, can be instantly emailed to you throughout the day. Additionally, Camden management can instantly notify all parents by text message of school closings or other urgent messages.
Our Uniform Policy

Why We Wear Uniforms
When something is special, we take pride in it, we share it, we celebrate it.
Nothing is more special than our kids, and one way we at Camden Academy celebrate the uniqueness of our childcare center and the children entrusted to us is by proudly wearing the Camden colors on our Camden uniforms.
Uniforms create school spirit, even in the littlest child, and promote a feeling of community within the walls of our school as well as pride outside.
The Camden crest helps tell the world that Camden Academy is a special place, and that the children who go here are special, too.